Attention Grand Island Alumni
The Grand Island Alumni Committee is looking to expand the committee to assist in promoting our fundraising activities. We are looking for your help to raise funds for student scholarships and other activities, events or specific item in need.
Our Mission Statement: The Grand Island Alumni Association’s purpose is to promote the Grand Island spirit through educational and social events. In doing so, we hope to support the Grand Island Central Schools, the community and its youth.
In the past 15 years the GI Alumni Association has awarded 38 scholarships to seniors, donated $4000 for cushion wrapping of 100 yards of fence at Gene Master’s Field, donated $4,800 to Gene Masters Scholarship fund, gave $500 to the Sidway School Playground fund, $1,000 to the GIHS Life Skills summer program and donated to the Senior Celebration, held after senior prom each year.
Our next fundraising event will be our 13th Annual comedy show on February 29th at Ellden’s at River Oaks.
If interested please email one of the following Alumni committee members.
Dick Crawford – Email Dick
Kim Kalman – Email Kim
Jodi Robinson – Email Jodi

2019 GIAA Scholarship Winners

The Grand Island Alumni Association presented three $500.00 scholarships on Tuesday, July 23rd at Fisherman's Landing.
William Soos will be attending Christopher Newport University for Finance. Trevor Samplinski will be attending UB for Mechanical Engineering & Melina Aceti will be attending Daemen College for Physical Therapy Congratulations to these well deserving Vikings.
From left Dick Crawford, William Soos, Melina Aceti, Trevor Samplinski and Kim Kalman
Comedy Show 2019

From left: Chuckie "O", Kim Aceti, Samantha Taylor, Dick Crawford, Kim Kalman, comediens Paul Venier, Allie Brady and Tony "P", Sam Aceti & Jodi Robinson.
A SOLD OUT Grand Island Alumni Association 12th Annual Comedy Show was enjoyed by all on Saturday, January 26th. The event was held at Ellden's at River Oaks and was the "best show ever!" This year's show was dedicated to Julie Roth Neville, a GIHS graduate and Huth Road teacher, who lost her battle with cancer last fall. The 50/50 raffle was won by Steve & Tammy Bresee, who donated it to the Neville family. The GIAA is donating their half to the family also, for a total of $625. Proceeds from the event funds scholarships for GI high school seniors that best exemplify Viking spirit.
Thanks to Platinum Sponsor Aceti's Wine & Spirits, Gold Sponsor George P. Ihle, State Farm Agent, Business Sponsors GIHS Class of 1977 and Island Ship Center. Prizes provided by deSignet Jewelry, Marco's Restaurant, Dana's Stylin Pets, Pizza Amore, Ellden's at River Oaks, Village Inn, Dick & Jenny's, Flower A Day, Aura Salon, Say Cheese, John's Pizza & Subs, Mallwitz's Island Lanes, Majestic Massage and the Kalman, Crawford, Lewis & Robinson families.

The Grand Island Alumni Association presented three $500.00 scholarships on Thursday, July 12th at Fisherman's Landing. Ruby Benz is headed to R.I.T. to study mechanical engineering. Rosemarie Boyko is going to CUNY Queens College for pre-med. Arthur Meaney IV is going to U. of Mississippi to study business administration (pre-law). Congratulations to these well deserving Vikings.
From left Dick Crawford, Ruby Benz, Rosemarie Boyko and Kim Kalman.
Missing from photo: Art Meaney

From left Dick Crawford (GIAA), Cheryl Cardone - Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Ashley Digati - Administrative Intern, Kim Kalman (GIAA), Science Teacher Jeff Green with kids Aidan, Hailey & Karissa.
Recently the Grand Island Alumni Association presented a check for $1000 to the Grand Island School District to help with expenses for a new summer program for students with disabilities. The Life Skills Summer Program has been approved by both the superintendent and school board. Students that are typically sent to the Erie 1 BOCES Summer School Program are instead being serviced right here in their home schools, either Grand Island High School or Veronica E. Connor Middle School.
Ashley Digati is a Administrative Intern for Cheryl Cardone, Director of Pupil Personnel Services. The team of Digati, Cardone and Pat Crowley, the life skills special education teacher at the high school, put together this program in order to support the students with disabilities for their extended school year programs. Teachers are Krystina Briggs at the high school and Renee Zapp at the middle school. There are two classroom aides, Mary Jo Lasut and Joe Mesmer, and one personal aide, Debbie Beyer, in the rooms with the students as well. The teachers plan to utilize the greenhouse located in the high school courtyard daily with the help of Mary Valle, a Grand Island graduate.
There are 16 students enrolled, eight from the middle school and eight from the high school. The schedules of the classrooms will be roughly as follows; from July 3 - August 13, 2018, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.; Monday-Thursday: Morning warm up, Math/Reading, Snack, Greenhouse, Lunch, Outside/gym/pool time, Free time. Friday will include Morning warm up, Greenhouse duties and a Field trip.

Our Grand Island Alumni Association presenting a $500 check to the Sidway School Playground Fund on June 1st, 2018
Pictured: Lauren Schroder & her Kindergarten class, Dick Crawford, Kim Kalman, Linda Samland (PTA President at Sidway) and school principal Denise Dunbar

Presenting a check to Jon Roth are Grand Island Alumni Association members Kimberly A. Schopp Kalman and Richard Crawford. Money was raised at last fall's opening of the football field, "Friday Night Under the Lights." $1800 of the money raised was spent on cushion wrapping 50 more yards of fencing on the home side of the field over $4800 is going towards scholarships for the Gene Masters Scholarship fund. Thanks to all the donations, the Grand Island Alumni Association has raised over the last 11 years, we have awarded over $11,000 in scholarships to Grand Island Seniors.
GIAA Scholarship Winners for 2015

From left: Kim Kalman, Lexi Miller, Maggie Rustowicz, Natalia Christiano and Dick Crawford
The Grand Island Alumni Association is pleased to announce this year's scholarship winners. They are Maggie Rustowicz attending St. John Fisher, Lexi Miller at St. Bonaventure and Natalia Christiano at Canisius College. Each senior received a $500 check to help with expenses.
GIAA & Aceti's 8th Annual Comedy Night - January 2015
Standing from left: Comediens Greg Bauch & Linda O., Sponsor Sam Aceti, Comedien Tyron Davis, Kim Kalman-GIAA.
Bottom: Jodi Robinson-GIAA and Sponsor Kim Aceti.
Standing from left: Comedians Greg Bauch & Linda O., Sponsor Sam Aceti, Comedien Tyron Davis, Kim Kalman-GIAA.
Bottom: Jodi Robinson-GIAA and Sponsor Kim Aceti.
The Grand Island Alumni Assoc. and Aceti's Wine & Spirits had a very successful 8th Annual Comedy Night on Saturday, January 24th at Ellden's at River Oaks. The sold out crowd enjoyed the comedy of local comediens Greg Bauch and Linda O., back for their second appearance, the first in 2009. They were a great warm up for the headliner, Tyrone Davis from Michigan. Davis had the crowd in stitches for over an hour. The ever popular wine raffle was also a sell out and three happy attendees went home with two 32 inch tv's and a diamond necklace.
Thanks to Sam and Kim Aceti of Aceti's Wine & Spirits for being the platinum sponsor for this event for the past five years. Their generosity to the GIAA and in the community is top-notch. Thank you for prize donations from: Flower A Day Florist, DeSignet Jewelry, Mallwitz's Island Lanes, Pink Martini Gift Shop, Isledegrande.com, the Tomkins, Lewis, Robinson and Kalman Families. Thanks to "Moving Music of WNY" for providing sound and light equipment that transformed the space into a real, club atmosphere. Over the last ten years the proceeds have equaled over $10,000 in scholarships to Grand Island High School seniors.
Thanks to all the Sponsors of "Friday Night Under The Lights" ~ 09/19/2014
PLATINUM SPONSORS McDonnell Family ~ Isledegrande.com William G. Hennigar Sr. & Sons: Grant, Dave, Scott, Neal, Dale, Curtis Dan Buenafe in Remembrance of '64-'65 Team: Coach Masters, Bobby Luther, Rich Trotter, Paul Kaegebein, Danny Carroll & Art Bascomb The Rayhill Family, The Genovese Family, H. David Myers Family
GOLD SPONSORS Pete Hayes '74, Tomkins Family: JT '74, Donna, Nick '08 & Ben '11, Darrell Smith '72,
Podlucky Family: John & Joanne (Robinson) '72, Jenna '03, Danielle '04
John Michael '00 & Christina (Basta) '03, Rebecca (2031) Robert Smith '70, Hillman Family
Roesch Family: Gary, Carol, Todd '83, Tracy '84, Gregg '89 Jon Roth & The Masters Family, Daniel Cap, Class of 1995
SILVER - Coach Roger Wise, Kevin Skee Zoldowski '70, The Grunzweig Family, Amy(Grant)Fox '91, John "Reidy" Martini, Mallwitz's Island Lanes, Coach Bill Riffel, JT Tomkins & Class of '74, John's Pizza & Subs
PATRON - Chris Aronica, Shirley Luther, Brothers Breier & Families, Todd Brandon, Jamie & Trish Eichel, Scott Kiniecki, Class of 1983, Mike Dowd,
Nancy Hayes, Cliff Scott, Linda Tufillaro
The Grand Island Alumni Association and Athletic Director Jon Roth would like to invite you to participate in the first "Friday Night under the Lights", Friday, September 19th at Gene Masters Field. The stadium will be complete with new turf, new seating, new scoreboard and LIGHTS!
The festive evening will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a gathering of old friends, classmates and players from the past 50 years. There will be commemorative shirts and refreshments. Game time is 7:00 p.m. and retired AD H. David Myers is scheduled to preside over the honorary coin toss. The Vikings will take on Williamsville South in the first night game in Grand Island history.
Sponsors are being sought to cover expenses and the proceeds will go to the "Gene Masters Scholarship" fund, the GIAA Scholarship fund and a fence wrap to cushion the top fence bar where the standers/fence leaners congregate to watch games.
These sponsors will have their name featured in all advertising including a banner that will be featured at all home games in 2014, the event program and announcer shout outs.
Call or email: Dick Crawford 716-818-6992 / richard.crawford.jr@gmail.com
Chris Aronica 716-510-8302 / aronicaco@aol.com

GIAA Scholarship Winners for 2014
From left: Jenna Stufkowsky (SUNY Crane School of Music), Christopher Swagler (Niagara University), Natalie Baldassarre (Canisius) and Committeeman Dick Crawford. Each student received a $500 award to help with school expenses.

GIAA Scholarship Winners for 2013
The Grand Island Alumni Association is pleased to announce this year's scholarship winners. They are James Rustowicz attending St. John Fisher,
Nick Soos at West Point and Dalton Pitts at Brockport. Each senior received a $500 check to help with expenses.
Thank You for your donations!
Aceti's Wine & Spirits
DeSignet Jewelry - Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsors Woodchuck Tree Service * Fuccillo Auto Group Creative Leather/Island Shipping * Say Cheese
Isledegrande.com * Flower A Day
Michelle & Jim Breier * Locicero Family * Hurtubise Tire
Holiday Inn * Tomkins Family * Just Pizza * SCAP * Village Inn

From Left: Alumni committee Jodi Robinson, Dick Crawford, Kim Kalman, Comediens Dan Pordum, Chet Wild, Steve Burr, Sponsors Kim and Sam Aceti

Our Mission Statement: The Grand Island Alumni Association's purpose is to promote the Grand Island spirit through educational and social events and our website. In doing so, we hope to support the Grand Island Central schools, the community and its youth.
The Grand Island Alumni Association offers a monetary award to deserving Grand Island High School seniors every spring. The student must be graduating from Grand Island and accepted and planning
to attend an accredited college.
Please contact the High School guidance office for an
GIHS Scholarship Winners -
The Grand Island Alumni Association is pleased to announce this year's scholarship winners. They are Liam Dodd, Justine Call and Alex Prine. Liam will be attending SUNY College at Brockport, majoring in Sports Management. Justine is attending Ithaca College majoring in Music Performance/Education and Alex is attending Houghton College majoring in Music Education/Vocal Performance. Each senior received a $500 scholarship to help towards their college expenses.
Comedy Show 2011 - Over $1700 raised for scholarships.

Alumnus Dick Crawford, featured sponsors Kim & Sam Aceti, Comediens Dan Pordum, Tim Joyce and alumnus Kim Kalman - click for larger view.
Thank you Aceti's Wine & Spirits
Woodchuck Tree Service
Flower A Day Florist
Mighty Taco
Adrian's Custard & Beef
DeSignet Jewelry
Pam's Hallmark
Fuccillo Auto Group
Say Cheese
Tomkins and LoCicero Families
GIHS Scholarship Winners -

(from left) Dick Crawford, scholarship winners Sean O'Donnell and Michael Scott Stallard and Kim Kalman
Two - $500 Scholarships were awarded to members of GIHS Class of 2010.
Photos From GIHS Alumni Hockey Tournament 2010
The 2010 Annual Comedy Show was a complete success!
Thank you to our corporate sponsors and attendees!
Corporate Sponsors
Aceti's Wine & Liquors - Platinum
Fuccillo Chevrolet Grand Island-Platinum
S & D Holdings of WNY, LLC - Gold
Woodchuck Tree Service - Gold
Double "D" Construction - Gold
Bota Welding - Business
Isledegrande.com & DeSignet Jewelry - Priceless
Holiday Inn Grand Island
Pam's Gift Shop
Flower A Day Florist
Say Cheese Pizza
2009 Comedy Show A Success -

(left) Linda O., Kim Kalman, Greg Bauch, Dan Pordum, Chris Aronica, Dick Crawford and Mark Frentzel
The second annual Grand Island Alumni Association Comedy Show held Saturday, January 31st was a huge success! Over 200 hardy souls braved the elements to be entertained by three very funny comediens at the Grand Island Holiday Inn. The comedy show raised over $2,000. The alumni committee would like to thank the following sponsors for their support:
Main Tire
Woodchuck Landscaping & Tree Service
DeSignet Jewelry
Holiday Inn Grand Island
Grinders Skate Park
Bear-Man Specialty Sauces
Aceti's Wine & Spirits
Say Cheese Pizza
Tomkins Family
Attorney Mark Frentzel
Rick Kustich, CPA
Beth Dommer
Scholarship Winners
Our Mission Statement: The Grand Island Alumni Association's purpose is to promote the Grand Island spirit through educational and social events and our website. In doing so, we hope to support the Grand Island Central schools, the community and its youth.
The Grand Island Alumni Association offers a monetary award to deserving Grand Island High School seniors every spring. The student must be graduating from Grand Island and accepted and planning
to attend an accredited college.
Please contact the High School guidance office for an
Interested in Joining?
Duck Race Winners

Alumni member Mary Dunbar-Daluisio and Sabres Jersey Winner Gary Groat
Retro Sabres Jersey Signed by French Connection - Winner Gary Groat
Poster Signed by French Connection - Winner Tim Lucinski
Drop-off Dinner for 20 from Chef's Restaurant - Winner Pete Hayes
DeSignet Jewelry Gift - Winner Wendy Valint
Holiday Inn Overnight w/ Champagne - Winner Claire O'Connor
175 ducks were sold with all proceeds to benefit the GIAA Scholarship Fund.
"All Island Reunion"
Thanks to Isledegrande.com and deSignet Jewelry
for sponsoring the Grand Island Alumni Website.

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